After I got used to having two bits in my mouth, and the curb rein buckled to the bareback pad, we added the snaffle rein. I got to run around with that arrangement for a few days. It isn't much bother. With the reins so long, the only feeling I got was a slight motion as their weight swung the bits a little.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
'Round and 'Round and 'Round We Go
After I got used to having two bits in my mouth, and the curb rein buckled to the bareback pad, we added the snaffle rein. I got to run around with that arrangement for a few days. It isn't much bother. With the reins so long, the only feeling I got was a slight motion as their weight swung the bits a little.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Double Double Toil and Trouble
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Happy Feet!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Oh No! My Feets! Part 2
Here is a photo from the other blog entry.
Everything looks OK, but if you magnify it and look, you can see the evidence. Riiiiiight there....
When it grew about half an inch down the wall, the mechanical forces of me standing on it caved it a just a bit and it became a ridge. Brita just watched it. We knew when it reached the clinch line it would become an issue. My shoes were pulled for the winter like usual and we waited.
Last week, the edge was really curled and beginning to crack downward (better than upward) at the ends. So Brita got out the nippers and trimmed the edge so it wouldn't catch on anything and wouldn't be funneling mud. What she found was a sizable void behind the wall which would be the site of the original abcess. You can't really see the depth of the hole, but she says you could almost fit a whole chapstick in there, whatever that is.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
It's Official: I'm Famous
Too bad my humans aren't as photogenic as I am. I looked good in ALL the photos.
Anyway, I really think the whole family should have been in the pictures. It takes lots of people to manage a horse and still get along. There's Uncle Dad, also known a "Housekeeping", who makes my bed. Mom, who took the photos, brings fresh towels every day and manages my diet. Brita who pays for stuff, checks my feets and makes sure I exercise. And Tim who shops for peanuts and celery and sometimes remodels for me. One big happy family!