Power shots...

Athletic shots demostrating my loft and suspension...

And shots displaying my tempestuous and wild side.

Yes, I can be a devilish, spinning dervish. It's amazing that I allow myself to be ridden at all.

But in all of them, I am beautiful
Lovely photos William - they really capture how beautifully you move. :)
Was there by chance a sound effect in the last one?! ;)
Wow, you are beautiful Grey! I LOVE the 3rd and 4th photos! Gorgeous! And did they put some make up on you too? So very handsome!
Fabulous photos!
Not fair, Grey. Your photographer was far superior to Mother's attempts with her little camera.
Could you perhaps give them my direction?
I miss you, Grey! Where have you been? I check your blog every few days...but no post for almost two months!! :(
Mr. Pendleton (and Ms. SmartAlex), I wanted to let you know that I am a big fan. I hope you continue to post in 2012! I have awarded you the Liebster Award on my blog:
http://eventingincolor.blogspot.com/. I hope you will continue to post and to "Pass It On". Your fan, Sarah
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