We are now in the middle of Blizzard #2 with 18 inches expected by tomorrow. The best part is that "school's out". No one wants to do any serious work. Running repeated tiny circles indoors is boring, and it can be hard on the joints so we don't do that every day or for very long. There is no chance of riding outside. Even if we could get past the glare ice on the driveway to the snowy roadside, we can't get to the fields. If we could get through the very wide, very deep and very hard snow banks, there is now a nasty crusty layer in the snow due to the 3 feet of snow being rained on all day Sunday before the fluffy stuff started again. We don't like to ride on the roadside because we can't get off of it, and if something bad came along, like a deadly giant snow plow, we would have to run up to a quarter of a mile to get to a cleared driveway.
So, I have been keeping the escape route clear and playing in the snow. Brita knows that running around in two feet of snow is a pretty good work out. When we get a blue sky break, she likes to stand out back with me and just enjoy whatever the season has to offer. That is usually a lot of hay eating...Mom spreads it all over and makes a game of it...
...and listening intently to sounds off in the distance.

But I also make snow angels... which Mom uses as spots to hold my hay.

And I play wild stallion.

Yee Ha!
Hooray! Snows!! You look as pritty as a Roxie (thats me) is, wen you play in snows.
Holy Moly! You guys got a lot of snow too! LOVE the pix of Grey strutting his stuff! He's got beautiful form!
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